On the radio!

Here we are appearing on Black Country Xtra show - The Music Gallery, presented by Kevin Ashcroft and Pete Taylor. Had a blast playing live in the studio, selecting songs that have influenced us over the years and chatting away…

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Has it really been that long . . . . ?

Hey dear friends, just where have the last twelve months gone? Here's hoping you had a great Christmas and here's wishing you a Happy New Year!

Everything seems to have whizzed by in superfast fashion here at Red Shoes Towers…

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40 Years Ago in 1983

It seems like only yesterday, when a young chap auditioned as a guitar player for a punky reggae electropop band, fronted by a 24 year old female singer with a voice to die for!

With a few changes and the…

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One year on and life's getting back to normal . . .

Since our last posting, where we played The New Forest Folk Festival, we've been quite busy when it comes to treading the boards.

We've performed at the South Downs Folk Festival in Bognor Regis, supporting Steve Knightley and also played…

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Its great to be back! New Forest Folk Festival

8th July, 2021 - The day finally arrived and we packed the car with guitars, mics, leads, pedals, cd's, stage clothes, then headed off to play at the New Forest Folk Festival! Stopping over at the Shoe Inn, Plaitford, quite…

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Onwards and Upwards!

It's been a long, long time since we trod the boards and who knows, it might be a little bit longer . . . . But we do have some gigs coming up very soon. We didn't want to tempt…

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Well we didn't see this coming did we? It's March 2020 and only last month we were getting excited about upcoming dates and playing live again. Festivals, Folk Clubs, Theatres, a healthy calendar and rehearsals with our original bass player…

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Folk musings . . .

As summer ends and the nights start drawing in we find that we're about to head off to the coast and play the South Downs Folk Festival in Bognor Regis. We're looking forward to continuing our run of fun gigs…

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Another exciting year ahead . . .

And so here we are already heading towards the end of January 2019! Our Christmas single highlighting the plight of the homeless has been downloaded by lots of you and we'd like to say thank you for that. Anyone who…

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Jack Frost nipping at our toes

The clocks have changed and Jack Frost is now visiting our garden in the South Of Brum. As we are all snug and warm our thoughts turn to those less fortunate than ourselves. On November 14th we will be going…

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Well we didn't see that one coming . . .

We've just braved the scorching hot weather and baking sunshine in the idyllic village of Brackley for their "Folk in the Park" festival and after playing to a lovely appreciative audience we took the journey home, stopping off to be…

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