Further down the road

It's now May and the summer sun is currently bathing the majority of the UK. Having returned from a short break in Pembrokeshire, where we recharged our batteries, soaked up the beautiful countryside and partook of a few ales and glasses of wine, we're ready to return to the musical fray!

We played our first Facebook Live gig only a matter of weeks ago now, what a wonderful event it turned out to be with people tuning in from around the globe, commenting and asking for songs . . . . Loved it! We're currently planning the next one for early June. Last time it was requests, who knows where we'll go with this one, but it'll be the same format kicking off at 7pm and playing for about 45 minutes. Isn't it amazing that we can now quite literally send our songs out over the airwaves and beam ourselves into, not just peoples homes, but workplaces, phones, tablets, ipads, the car . . . . sometimes it's just a little too much to take in! After all we were brought up on black and white TV's, Telephone boxes, pounds, shillings and pence, and we had free milk in school . . . . ahhh Happy Days.

Catch you again, further down the road . . . .